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Automated.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Automated testing interface with xml output (user interface).

#include "CUnit.h"
#include "TestDB.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define automated_run_tests()   CU_automated_run_tests()
 Deprecated (version 1).
#define set_output_filename(x)   CU_set_output_filename((x))
 Deprecated (version 1).


void CU_automated_run_tests (void)
 Run CUnit tests using the automated interface.
CU_ErrorCode CU_list_tests_to_file (void)
 Generate an xml file containing a list of all tests in all suites in the active registry.
void CU_set_output_filename (const char *szFilenameRoot)
 Set the root file name for automated test output files.

Generated on Thu Apr 28 12:36:09 2005 for CUnit by  doxygen