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CUnit File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Automated.cAutomated test interface with xml result output (implementation)
Automated.h [code]Automated testing interface with xml output (user interface)
Basic.cBasic interface with output to stdout
Basic.h [code]Basic interface with output to stdout
Console.cConsole test interface with interactive output (implementation)
Console.h [code]Console interface with interactive output (user interface)
CUCurses.h [code]Curses testing interface with interactive output (user interface)
CUError.cError handling functions (implementation)
CUError.h [code]Error handling functions (user interface)
CUnit.h [code]Basic CUnit include file for user and system code
Curses.cCurses test interface with interactive output (implementation)
MyMem.cMemory management & reporting functions (implementation)
MyMem.h [code]Memory management functions (user interface)
test_cunit.cCUnit internal testingfunctions (implementation)
test_cunit.h [code]Interface for CUnit internal testing functions
TestDB.cManagement functions for tests, suites, and the test registry (implementation)
TestDB.h [code]Management functions for tests, suites, and the test registry (user interface)
TestRun.cTest run management functions (implementation)
TestRun.h [code]Test run management functions (user interface)
Util.cUtility functions (implementation)
Util.h [code]Utility functions (user interface)

Generated on Thu Apr 28 12:36:09 2005 for CUnit by  doxygen