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Headers Directory Reference


file  Automated.h
 Automated testing interface with xml output (user interface).
file  Basic.h
 Basic interface with output to stdout.
file  Console.h
 Console interface with interactive output (user interface).
file  CUCurses.h
 Curses testing interface with interactive output (user interface).
file  CUError.h
 Error handling functions (user interface).
file  CUnit.h
 Basic CUnit include file for user and system code.
file  MyMem.h
 Memory management functions (user interface).
file  TestDB.h
 Management functions for tests, suites, and the test registry (user interface).
file  TestRun.h
 Test run management functions (user interface).
file  Util.h
 Utility functions (user interface).

Generated on Thu Apr 28 12:36:10 2005 for CUnit by  doxygen